In an unusual turn of events, two women have been apprehended for allegedly discharging firearms during the funeral of a suspected criminal, supposedly to...
Mike Masiapato, the Head of the Border Management Authority (BMA), revealed that the interception of an attempted trafficking operation involving over 400 children from...
Inside Khutso Theledi’s Joyous Traditional Wedding Celebration Popular Metro FM host, Khutso Theledi, recently shared the exciting news that she has embarked on a...
Kagiso Lediga once again pays homage to strong female protagonists in his latest espionage drama, “Classified.” Serving as the creator and showrunner, Lediga collaborated...
Zandile Ndhlovu’s roots were deeply embedded in Soweto, a black township on the outskirts of Johannesburg, where the notion of traveling vast distances to...
On the 35th World AIDS Day, recent data reveals that South Africa, while making strides in combating HIV, is cautioned against premature celebration. MiWay...
Recent statistics from Crime SA, highlighted by MiWay Insurance, expose a concerning pattern where approximately 70% of hijackings in South Africa take place in...