South African actor and businessman, Ntokozo TK Dlamini, best known for the role of Mastermind Maphumulo in the popular Mzansi soap opera, Uzalo, shows...
Natasha Thahane is excited about the growth of her Instagram followers. Taking to her Instagram, the actress announced hitting 5.5 million followers. The mother...
Noluvuyo Sodela, a reality TV star and entrepreneur, claims load shedding has had a significant impact on her business. Sodela, also known as Bubbly...
Speculations suggests that rapper Emtee should be behind bars following a case of assault opened against him. However, the confusion has come about following...
Asavela Mngqithi, a South African actress, model, television personality, content producer, Youtuber, and entrepreneur, was born on June 4, 1996, in Umzimkhulu, Durban. She...