Babes Wodumo‘s reality show, Uthando Lodumo, was set to return, however following the tragic passing of her late husband, Gqom superstar Mampintsha Maphumulo, also...
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly thrown under the bus his ambassador-at-large, Uebert Madzanire, alias Uebert Angel, as it emerged yesterday that he is under...
Thingo‘s mother and celebrated vocalist Kelly Khumalo, took to social media to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. The singer according to Bona uploaded a video...
Former president Jacob Zuma slated the privatisation of state-owned enterprises and emphasised that citizens do not have to wait for the next elections to...
Social media is abuzz following Anwar ‘Dogg’ Khan‘s interview where a lot was revealed about the late Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes death. According to Dogg,...