Startling Allegations Emerge in Case Against Woman Accused of Murdering Relatives for Insurance Payouts. Segomotsi Agnes Setshwantsho faced charges of murder, fraud, and defeating...
Three high school students lost their lives in a tragic accident while returning from a ‘pens-down’ party, prompting the KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Education, Mbali...
KwaZulu-Natal law enforcement officers have uncovered a staggering R151 million worth of cocaine hidden in meat boxes at Durban harbor. The seizure marks the...
Kyle Ruiters, self-described as a “charming psychopath and a smart serial killer,” has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Western Cape High Court...
A murder investigation is underway following the discovery of a Durban homeowner’s body in his unused swimming pool. The incident unfolded on Saturday at...