Grade 4 Pupils Circumcise Grade 2 Child in Limpopo School

The mother of a second-grader is shocked that her kid, who is six years old, nearly lost his 4-5. Two grade 4 students, ages nine and eleven, trapped the youngster inside the school’s restroom in Namakgale, Limpopo.

They supposedly used a fishnet line to hold him down so they could circumcise him.

The event took place on July 30. The lads allegedly attempted to use a piece of string to suture the wound on his 4-5 after cutting his foreskin.

However, things didn’t go as expected. It left the boy’s foreskin hanging.

The boy was in discomfort, and his 4-5 were bleeding, which gave his mother the shock of her life.

He told his mother what had occurred.

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In search of answers, the irate mother went to the school. She was let down, though, when the school asserted that the incident did not occur on school property.

According to the boy’s aunt, he was admitted to and spent a week in Maphutha Malatji Hospital in Phalaborwa, Limpopo.

The boy’s irate family now worries that the school intends to hide the issue.

“They’re trying to deny that this happened inside the school, despite my nephew pointing the perpetrators out to the police,” the aunt continued.

She said that the incident had traumatized the boy’s mother.

“You can only imagine the struggles she faces. He’s not being treated fairly by the school,” she claimed.

The youngster is recuperating at home after being released from the hospital.

A case has been opened at Namakgale Police Station.

Limpopo education spokeswoman Mosebjane Kgaffe said the matter was being investigated.

Limpopo police spokesman Brigadier Hlulani Mashaba confirmed that a case of assault, with intent to do grievous bodily harm, was opened at Namakgale Police Station.

“The police have concluded their investigation. They’re waiting for an assessment report from the social worker, which will direct whether the children have criminal capacity. If the report comes back positive, the matter will be taken to the public prosecutor for a decision,” he said.

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