Dada Morero Elected Mayor of Johannesburg Amid Mixed Reactions from Council Parties

The three largest political parties in the City of Johannesburg Council have expressed varying reactions to Dada Morero’s election as the new mayor.

The ANC has promised that Morero’s leadership will lead to quicker service delivery improvements. In contrast, the DA fears that his tenure will result in negative consequences for the city. ActionSA has vowed to closely monitor Morero’s performance in office.

Morero won the mayoral election with 189 votes against 60 for the DA’s Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku. He replaces Kabelo Gwamanda, who stepped down due to mounting pressure.

The DA’s candidate, Kayser-Echeozonjoku, advocated for dissolving the Council and forming a new one as a solution to stabilize the city, given the challenges of previous mayors managing Johannesburg’s complex coalition dynamics.

Also read: Power Play: ANC Halts Mayor’s Anti-Party Moves; Cllr Mmola Set for Reinstate

However, her motion for dissolution was unsuccessful, leading to Morero’s reappointment after previously serving as mayor for 25 days in 2022. His election received support from various parties including ActionSA, Al Jama-ah, AIC, Good, ATM, AHC, UDM, Cope, PAC, APC, and UIM.

In response to Morero’s election, Kayser-Echeozonjoku criticized the coalition parties for aligning with the ANC, accusing them of choosing a path of corruption and inefficiency rather than supporting the DA’s record of service delivery and governance.

The ANC’s Sasabona Manganye expressed confidence in Morero’s ability to rejuvenate the city, focusing on enhancing service delivery, repurposing derelict buildings, and advancing digitization to build a smart city. Manganye assured that the ANC-led government would prioritize effective governance and improving residents’ quality of life.

ActionSA, which played a significant role in the push for Gwamanda’s resignation, has emphasized its commitment to oversight rather than co-governance. The party will focus on ensuring that the administration prioritizes effective service delivery. It appears that ActionSA’s demands were met with Margaret Arnolds being appointed as the new MMC of Finance, a position previously held by Morero, which suggests that the party will likely secure the position of speaker.

ActionSA caucus leader Nobuhle Mthembu acknowledged the significant challenges facing Morero, including service delivery issues and deteriorating infrastructure, and stressed the need for a clear, action-oriented plan for the city’s recovery.

After his election, Morero made only two changes to his mayoral committee: appointing Gwamanda as MMC of Community Development and Arnolds as MMC of Finance. The other MMCs retained their positions, with ATM’s lone councillor, Lubabalo Magwentshu, being the only one not reappointed.

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